Thursday, December 17, 2015

Homework for December 14, 2015

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

  1. Why does Scout speack disrespectfully to Walter Cunningham?

  1. How some people choose to pay Atticus for his services?
Level II:

Please choose the correct answer.

  1. What did Walter Cunningham put on his food that made Scout upset?

 a. Butter

b. Ketchup

c. Molasses syrup
Parents: Pleas sign and date the homework.
Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________

Homework for December 11, 2015

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

  1. Why does Scout need to stay in school?


  1. How does Scout feel about reading?

Level II:

Please choose the correct answer.

  1. Who told Scout she had to stay in school?

 a. Jem

b. Her father

c. Her teacher

Friday, December 11, 2015

Homework for December 10, 2015

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

  1. Why is school hard for Scout?


  1. How does Scout describe her relationship to reading?

Level II:
Please answer this question.
  1. Who taught Scout to read?
 a. Jem and Dill
b. Her father
c. She learned on her own

Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Homework for December 9, 2015

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

  1. Who are Atticus, Jem, Scout, and Dill?


  1. What did Boo Radley do to force him to become a “ghost”?


Level II:

Please choose the correct answer for each question.

  1. Who are Atticus Finch’s children?

a. Jem and Dill
b. Dill and Scout
c. Scout and Jem

2. Whose house is so interesting to the children?

a. Miss Maudie’s House
b. The Radley’s House

c. The Finch’s House

Parents: Please sign and date homework.

Signed: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Homework for December 8, 2015

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

  1. Who are Atticus, Jem, Scout, and Dill?

  1. What did Boo Radley do to force him to become a “ghost”?

Level II:
Please choose the correct answer for the question.
  1. Who are Atticus Finch’s children?
a. Jem and Dill
b. Dill and Scout
c. Scout and Jem

2. Whose house is so interesting to the children?

a. Miss Maudie’s House
b. The Radley’s House
c. The Finch’s House

Parents please sign the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________________