Friday, August 10, 2018

Homework for August 10, 2018

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

What does Malala want to become?

2.     Why is education so important?

Level II:

Please answer this question.

What does Malala want to do with the rest of her life?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Homework for August 9, 2018

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

How does Malala feel about her future?

2.     What is the Nobel Peace Prize?

Level II:

Please answer this question.

What is the Nobel Peace Prize?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Homework for August 8, 2018

Level I:

Please answer these questions.

At the first anniversary of her shooting, how does Malala feel?

2.     What are Malala’s dreams for the future?


Level II:

Please answer this question.

What does Malala want to do in the future?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky