Friday, January 18, 2019

Homework January 18, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

Why republish a book from the 1920’s?


2.  Why do we keep secrets?


Level II: Please answer this question.

1.     What is a secret?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Homework for January 17, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

Why did the author’s mother not talk about her parents?


2.  What helped the author discover her grandparents?


Level II: Please answer this question.

1.     What did Fitzgerald and his wife often share?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Homework for January 16, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

Why should we fight for our rights?


2.  Why should we break unfair rules?


Level II: Please answer this question.

1.     Why do people put on an act?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky