Thursday, April 11, 2019

Homework for April 11, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

1. What happened to Art’s father and mother at the sanatorium?


2. How did Anja do after her time in the sanatorium?


Level II: Please answer this question.

What happened to Art’s father and mother at the sanatorium?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Homework for April 10, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

What happens to Art’s mother?


2. What do they see when they are travelling?


Level II: Please answer this question.

What happens to Art’s mother?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky

Homework for April 9, 2019

Level I: Please answer these questions.

1. Why does the author want to know more about his father?


2. What can we do to prevent another Holocaust?

Level II: Please answer this question.

Why does the author want to know more about his father?


Parents: Please sign and date the homework.

Thank you,

Mr. Telposky